Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Travel Umroh pilgrims invaded Candidates In Early 2012

Travel Umrah pilgrims invaded Candidates In Early 2012

The signs of hectic travel umroh with the arrival of pilgrims has been around since the end of 2011, it caused a lot of pilgrims who can not wait to wait Hajj schedule to 10 years old, "would much prefer to perform Umrah first in 2012 are" Farida said the mother of one of the marketing staff at a travel in South Jakarta.

Umrah Packages are also Interested Students and Parents Liked

umra travel

Aside from the pilgrims, Umrah is also interested in students and parents, enjoy the school holidays in the holy city of Mecca and Medina, has several advantages. In terms of worship, you'll be able to dhikr and pray your heart's content in places efficacious in the Haram and the Prophet's Mosque. In addition, you also can freely travel trail of struggle of the Prophet Muhammad, by visiting various historic sites in Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah.

From the point of his religious beliefs, there is no specific recommendation on the Muslims to perform the Haj Umrah during the school holidays. That there is a suggestion berumrah during Ramadan.Therefore, entering the holiday season in early March and June as the other months - in addition to the month of Ramadan and the Hajj - the places around Mecca and Medina remained crowded. Moreover, for the people of Saudi Arabia itself and other Arab countries, such as school holidays are applicable in the country and some countries are not anything special. For them, school holidays are usually the Ramadan, Hajj and Hijri New Year.

Even so, the student community with the usual holiday berumrah not without meaning. "Sunggu favors enjoying a holiday in front of the Kaaba.That is an amazing spiritual experience, "said Rangga, a student of a school in London who claimed to enjoy the holidays with the usual stroll to several countries in Europe.

What is also felt that Rangga immediately captured by some umrah travel agent in Jakarta and several other large cities. Almost all travel agencies umrah that dihubugi Republika schedule for the participants to the event of remembrance and prayer before the Kaaba, at the time of school holidays.

In addition to the umrah, umrah travel agents are also several events scheduled camp-meeting in Padang Arafah. The "flash boarding" is, in addition filled with spiritual nourishment by the ust and kiai, also filled with spiritual visits to various historic sites. The latter is usually heavily utilized by parents who take their children perform umrah worship, to explain at length about the historic places.

At Arafat, the usual places of pilgrims visited include Jabal Rahmah, who is believed to be a meeting place for Adam and Eve back after a long separation, since the fall from heaven. Then locations around Jumrah.And in Padang Arafat himself, really is an amazing place for spiritual camping in December and January like this coming. The air was cool, verdant trees, and the place deserted.

While the historic sites in Makkah the most popular with pilgrims - especially the young ones - is the altitude climb Jabal Nur about 2,000 feet above sea level. In addition to having the sport, climb Jabal Nur is also a spiritual meaning, for there are the Cave of Hira, where the Prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran.

As in Makkah, Madinah in addition to a visit filled with worship in the Prophet's Mosque, is also scheduled to visit the historical places that there are more than Makkah, such as Cuba mosque, Masjid Kiblatain, Jabal Uhud (where the killing of several scholars and martyrs including the uncle of the Prophet , Hamzah), and Printing the Holy Qur'an in the world's largest, located about 10 miles outside of Medina. Jurnalhaji

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Apa itu B2B - B2C - C2C - B2E ?

1 Business-To- Business (B2B)

Business-to-business (B2B) menggambarkan transaksi perdagangan antara perusahaan, seperti antara produsen dan grosir, atau antara grosir dan pengecer.

Volume transaksi B2B jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan volume transaksi B2C. Alasan utama untuk ini adalah bahwa dalam rantai pasokan yang khas akan ada banyak transaksi yang melibatkan B2B subkomponen atau bahan baku, dan hanya satu transaksi B2C, khususnya penjualan produk jadi ke konsumen akhir. Sebagai contoh, sebuah produsen mobil membuat beberapa transaksi B2B seperti membeli ban, kaca untuk kaca jendela, dan selang karet untuk kendaraan. Transaksi terakhir, kendaraan yang sudah selesai dijual ke konsumen, adalah satu (B2C) transaksi.

2. Business-To-Consumer (B2C)

Business-to-Customer merupakan kegiatan yang menggambarkan bisnis melayani antara konsumen akhir dengan produk / jasa. Contoh: Transaksi B2C seseorang akan membeli sepasang sepatu dari pengecer. Transaksi yang mengarah ke sepatu yang tersedia untuk pembelian, yaitu pembelian kulit, tali, karet, dll.

3. Consumer-To-Consumer (C2C)

Merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan perdagangan elektronik-difasilitasi elektronik transaksi antara konsumen melalui beberapa pihak ketiga. Sebuah contoh umum adalah lelang online, di mana konsumen posting item Dijual konsumen lain menawar untuk membeli. Situs hanya perantara, hanya ada untuk mencocokkan konsumen. Mereka tidak perlu memeriksa kualitas dari produk yang ditawarkan.

4. Business-To-Employee (B2E)

Merupakan electronic commerce yang menggunakan jaringan intrabusiness yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menyediakan produk / jasa kepada karyawan mereka. Biasanya, perusahaan menggunakan jaringan untuk mengotomatisasi B2E karyawan perusahaan yang terkait dengan proses.

Business-to-business B2B

Business-to-business (B2B) menggambarkan transaksi perdagangan antara perusahaan, seperti antara produsen dan grosir, atau antara grosir dan pengecer.

Volume transaksi B2B jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan volume transaksi B2C. Alasan utama untuk ini adalah bahwa dalam rantai pasokan yang khas akan ada banyak transaksi yang melibatkan B2B subkomponen atau bahan baku, dan hanya satu transaksi B2C, khususnya penjualan produk jadi ke konsumen akhir. Sebagai contoh, sebuah produsen mobil membuat beberapa transaksi B2B seperti membeli ban, kaca untuk kaca jendela, dan selang karet untuk kendaraan. Transaksi terakhir, kendaraan yang sudah selesai dijual ke konsumen, adalah satu (B2C) transaksi.